
Seminar conference was held in Ganja as part of joint project of Central Election Commission with the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Central Election Commission conducted the session on July 24, 2024

The joint project of the Central Election Commission and the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been launched regarding the Elections to the Milli Majlis

A Project Dedicated to Increasing Women's Activity in the Elections to the Milli Majlis has been implemented

Seminar Conference Held by the Central Election Commission in Nakhchivan

Issues Related to the Resolution of Election Disputes Discussed at the Regional Seminar-Consultation held by the CEC in Shaki

Seminar-conference on judicial resolution of election disputes held in Ganja

Regional seminar-conference on judicial resolution of election disputes held in Shirvan

Central Election Commission conducted the session on July 22, 2024

The project dedicated to the election dispute resolution has been launched

Central Election Commission conducted the session on July 19, 2024

Regional seminar dedicated to election dispute resolution was held in Nakhchivan

Regional seminar was held for members of Expert Groups with the organization of the Central Election Commission in Masalli

CEC held regional seminar dedicated to election dispute resolution in Sheki

CEC held regional seminar dedicated to election dispute resolution in Ganja