
List of permanent venues (in total, 281 venues - 139 outdoor and 142 indoor) allocated for pre-election campaign during the early Presdiential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 7, 2024

The new project on Presidential elections in “Asan service” centers was implemented

The seminar-conference on election-related dispute resolution started

"Guide for Police Officials" in the Presidential Elections

"Guide for Police Officials" has been compiled in Presidential Elections

The Central Election Commission conducted the next session on January 6, 2024

"Guide for Observers" in Presidential elections

Central Election Commission compiled Guide for Observers

The Central Election Commission conducted the next session on December 31, 2023

Central Election Commission has registered the first candidate for the early Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Seminar dedicated to investigation of appeals on election right was held in Nakhchivan

Within the organization by the Central Election Commission, a regional seminar was held for members of Expert Groups in Masalli

Chairman of the Central Election Commission met with the Head of OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission

Within the organization by the Central Election Commission, a regional seminar was organized for members of Expert Groups in Sheki

A regional seminar was conducted in Ganja within the preparation for the early Presidential elections