Central Election Commission started seminars on election dispute resolution

15 july 2024 12:00

Large-scale campaign of the Central Election Commission (CEC) aiming at the conduct of free, fair and transparent elections, as well as raising awareness of different election stakeholders is being carried out in regard with the early Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to September 1, 2024.

In the light of the CEC educational program covering many projects on different fields in regard with the early Elections to the Milli Majlis, the following activities - regional seminars on election dispute resolution started. The project within the whole country targeted the increase of knowledge, professional skills and practice of the members of the Expert Groups functioning under Constituency Election Commissions (Con.ECs) to investigate the complaints filed against the actions (inactions) and decisions violating citizens’ election rights during the forthcoming elections.

The opening and the first seminar started with the introductory speech by Mr. Rovzat Gasimov, CEC Deputy Chairman at the CEC administrative premises on July 15, 2024. The event was attended by the officials of the relevant departments of the CEC Secretariat, as well as, 156 experts responsible to investigate the appeals from 52 Con.ECs from Baku and surrounding regions.

During the seminar the presentations on the election dispute resolution by the CEC members represented at CEC Expert Group were heard. The presentations via the usage of visual aids contained the issues encountered during the appeals of the stakeholders who claimed on the violation of election rights, the classification of appeals and complaints, the sequence and rules of investigation and evaluation of the evidences, activities to be implemented by Expert Group members, adoption and compilation of decisions, as well as, other issues. All members of Con.EC Expert Groups who participated at the seminar were submitted Guidebook compiled by CEC.

During the practical part of the seminar practices were held on different cases regarding the election legislation, appeals and complaints, as well as, activity of Expert Group, the participants were involved in the tests. At the end, views were shared and discussions were held, also the questions interesting to the participants were clarified.

The next stage of the regional seminars is scheduled in Ganja, Nakhchivan, Shaki and Masalli, to cover all the Expert Group members of 125 Con.EC on the country.

Media and Communication Department
CEC Secretariat