
Seminar dedicated to election dispute resolution held in Baku

Seminar dedicated to election dispute resolution held in Masalli

Central Election Commission conducted a session on October 31, 2019

The issues on investigation of election-related appeals were discussed in regional seminar organized in Shaki by CEC

Central Election Commission compiled "Guide for Candidates" in Municipal Elections

Seminar on election dispute resolution held in Ganja

Central Election Commission conducted session on October 28, 2019

The Central Election Commission started seminars on procedures for the registration of candidates to municipality membership

New Deputy Chairman of the Central Election Commission elected

List of the municipalities where elections will be conducted in the Republic of Azerbaijan

Calendar plan - 2019

Central Election Commission decided to hold Municipal Elections on December 23, 2019

Central Election Commission starts professional courses on election right

Central Election Commission held a broad seminar for the chairpersons of Constituency Election Commissions

The Central Election Commission conducted a session on October 8, 2019