Central Election Commission conducted a session on December 16, 2023

16 december 2023 19:44

The Central Election Commission (CEC) conducted the following session chaired by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on December 16, 2023. Firstly, the Commission’s session minutes dated 18 October, 20 October and 8 December, 2023 were approved.

Later, the issue on the establishment of new polling stations on some election constituencies was considered. It was emphasized on the necessity of establishing new polling stations by the relevant Constituency Election Commissions (Con.ECs) with the aim of legitimate guarantee of a large number of voters’ election rights who have settled in the areas set free from the occupation and who work on long-term constructional building business, thereby implementing the appropriate requirement of the Election Code. By the Commission decision, the relevant Con.ECs were charged with the establishment of new polling stations and formation of Precinct Election Commissions (PECs) within the boundaries of Sharur – Sadarak Con.EC # 1, Sharur – Kangarli Con.EC # 2, Babek – Shahbuz – Kangarli Con.EC # 3, Nakhchivan city Con.EC # 4, Babek – Nakhchivan – Julfa Con.EC # 5, Sumgayit – Absheron – Garadagh Con.EC # 47, Yardimli – Masalli Con.EC # 75, Fuzuli Con.EC # 84, Tartar – Naftalan – Goranboy Con.EC # 97, Aghdam city Con.EC # 118, Jabrayil – Gubadli Con.EC # 120, Lachin Con.EC #121, Khankəndi Con.EC # 122, Kalbajar Con.EC # 123, Shusha – Aghdam – Khojali – Khojavend Con.EC # 124, Zangilan – Gubadli Con.EC # 125 as in the compliance with the legislation during the early Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 7, 2023.

During the session, the issue on the organization of educational activities regarding the elections was also discussed. Pursuant to the "National Activity Program in the field of increasing efficiency for protecting human rights and liberties in the Republic of Azerbaijan”, approved by the Order of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, dated 27 December, 2011 and Election Code, it was decided to carry out large-scale educational program which covers many projects on different fields for the election stakeholders.

The compositions of some Con.ECs were made changes and current issues were also considered at the session broadcasted thoroughly by the media representatives.

Media and Communication Department
CEC Secretariat