Central Election Commission conducted session on December 21, 2023

21 december 2023 19:59

The Central Election Commission (CEC) conducted the following session chaired by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on December 21, 2023. Firstly, the Commission’s session minute dated 16 December, 2023 was approved.

Later, the issues on the nomination of candidacies for the early Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to February 7, 2024 were considered. The candidacies of Mr. Zahid Maharram oghlu Oruj nominated on his own initiative, Mr. Fazil Gazanfar oghlu Mustafa nominated by Great Order Party, Mr. Fuad Aghasi oghlu Aliyev nominated on his own initiative, Mr. Elshad Nabi oghlu Musayev nominated by Great Azerbaijan Party, Mr. Gudrat Muzaffar oghlu Hasanguliyev nominated by Whole Azerbaijan Popular Front Party and Mr. Razi Gulamali oghlu Nurullayev nominated by National Front Party were verified at the session.

The Commission also registered the authorized representatives and authorized representatives on financial issues presented by the persons whose candidacies for Presidency have been verified, nominated by the political parties or on own initiatives.

During the session attended by the representatives of international organizations and media outlets, current issues were also discussed.

Media and Communication Department
CEC Secretariat