Central Election Commission conducted the following session on March 17, 2018

17 march 2018 19:40

The Central Election Commission conducted a session chaired by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on March 17, 2018. Firstly, the session minute of the Commission dated March 10, 2018 was approved.

Later, the issue on the establishment of lottery commission for the distribution of free airtime in the Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the determination of the time and place of the lottery was considered. It was decided to establish lottery commission for free airtime consisting of 3 members of CEC and Head of Media and Public Relations Department of the Secretariat and to conduct lottery at the CEC premises at 16.00 on March 19, 2018 upon the discussion of the Commission members.

During the session the Commission also considered the issue of registering candidates in the Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed to April 11, 2018. After the discussions held, the candidacy of Serdar Jalal Mammadov to presidency nominated by Azerbaijan Democratic Party was registered.

Candidates registered by the CEC decision and agents presented by the political parties the candidate of which has been registered were registered at the session.

The structures of some Con.ECs were made amendments at the Commission session.

Current issues were also considered at the session attended by the authorized representatives of political parties and presidential candidates, representatives of international observation missions, as well as, mass media representatives.

Media and Public Relations Department
CEC Secretariat