CEC registered first candidate in the Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan

27 february 2018 17:49

The Central Election Commission held a session chaired by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on February 27, 2018. At the session, the issue on the registration of candidacy of Mr. Ilham Heydar Aliyev, nominated by the New Azerbaijan Party in the Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan was considered.

He said,
signature sheets with voters’ signatures and documents to be attached to them, collected in the support ofcandidacy of Mr. Ilham Heydar Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Chairman of the New Azerbaijan Party nominated by the New Azerbaijan Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan to be conducted on April 11, 2018, were submitted to the CEC by the authorized representative of the party for the registration of the candidate on February 22, 2018. CEC conducted investigation related on this in period and case implied by legislation and determined bases for registering the nominated candidacy.

Considering all this, after discussions in the Central Election Commission by the unanimous decision of the Commission members, Mr. Ilham Heydar Aliyev, nominated by the New Azerbaijan Party was registered as a candidate in the Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan to be conducted on April 11, 2018.

The session was widely broadcasted by mass media.

Media and Public Relations Department
CEC Secretariat