Central Election Commission started seminars on election dispute resolution

27 february 2018 14:12

Central Election Commission (CEC) carries on various large-scale activities aiming at the conduct of free, fair and transparent elections, as well as raising awareness of different election stakeholders in regard with the Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to April 11, 2018.

In the light of CEC educational program, the following project - three-day seminars started since February 27, 2018, which targeted the investigation of election-related appeals. CEC members, the authorized representative of the Republic of Azerbaijan at the European Court of Human Rights, members of CEC Expert Group and representatives of the Commission Secretariat took part at the event aiming at raising awareness of members of Expert Groups under Constituency Election Commissions (Con.ECd) regarding the investigation of the complaints filed against the actions (inactions) and decisions that violate citizens’ election rights.

The main goal of the seminars was to raise the awareness of Con.EC Expert Groups in regard with the investigation of appeals and complaints, also to improve their practical skills and activity to ensure citizens’ election rights more effectively.

During the seminars that started with the introduction speech of Natig Mammadov, CEC Deputy Chairman, Chingiz Asgarov, authorized representative of the Republic of Azerbaijan at the European Court of Human Rights, members of the Commission’s Expert Group – Bakhsheyish Asgarov and Ramiz Ibrahimov presented on the examination of appeals and complaints filed against the violation of citizens’ election rights and the covered issues were clarified thoroughly at the practical workshops.

The seminars that will last up to March 1, 2018 are scheduled to encompass all members of Expert Groups of 125 Con.ECs.

Media and Public Relations Department
CEC Secretariat