Chairman of the Central Election Commission met with representatives of OSCE/ODIHR Needs Assessment Mission

21 february 2018 17:30
On February 21, 2018 Mr. Mazahir Panahov, Chairman of the Central Election Commission (CEC) met with the representatives of Needs Assessment Mission of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.
Having greeted the delegation, Chairman Mazahir Panahov expressed his gratefulness of the meeting at CEC. 

The delegation of OSCE/ODIHR Needs Assessment Mission thanked to Chairman M.Panahov for warm welcome and inquired about the election system in Azerbaijan, the activity principles of election commissions, the works undertaken in the field of updating voters’ lists, as well as the preparations for the elections appointed to April 11, 2018.

CEC Chairman underlined that CEC had always been open to the partnership with international organizations and that relationship played an important role in the improvement and current development of the election practice in Azerbaijan and therewith, he also spoke about the election system in the country thoroughly. Mazahir Panahov in the meantime, informed that intensive steps are put forward subsequently and effectively according to the Calendar Plan approved by CEC regarding the Presidential elections appointed to April 11, 2018. The basic goal in the implementation of all these activities is to guarantee election rights of Azerbaijan citizens more efficiently. 

During the meeting they also shared views on the issues of mutual interest.

Media and Public Relations Department
CEC Secretariat