Central Election Commission ended the process of compile and update of permanent voters' list of 2017

26 may 2017 17:44
Voters’ list plays an important role in the conduct of free, fair and transparent elections. Pursuant to the Election Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the update process of single voters’ list on the country has been carried out since the beginnings of January of 2017. The voters’ list was compiled effectively and accurately as a result of a large-scale and comprehensive process implemented till to the end of May under the direct supervision of the Central Election Commission. The update process involving more than 30 thousand members of lower election commissions was successful within the cooperation of relevant institutions of the Ministry of Interior Affairs and Ministry of Justice, as well as local executive authorities and municipalities. Through the whole process CEC hotline # 115 and internet online service was at the disposal of voters and played an important role in the increase of the efficiency of the activities undertaken. Successful application of the latest information and communication technologies in the update of the lists and utilization of special software with improved technical varieties contributed to the effective implementation of the update process and the compile and publication of the lists in comply with high standards. 

Permanent voters’ list was updated and submitted to Constituency Election Commissions (Con.ECs) by each of the Precinct Election Commissions (PECs) up to February 5, 2017 as stipulated in law. And in their turn, Con.ECs had updated the voters’ lists on election constituencies and submitted to the Central Election Commission (CEC) up to April 5, 2017 upon evaluation of the information received from the relevant bodies. In the next stage, CEC examined the encountered repetitions and inaccurateness via special software for qualitative and quantitative analyze of voters’ data upon collecting the electorate database and ended this broad and complex process.
CEC members made themselves familiar with the re-compiled version of single voters’ list on the country at the CEC premises on May 26, 2017. During the event aired by media representatives it was informed that the compile, check and update process of single voters’ list had been implemented through the State Automated Information System operating incessantly online. High technological and interactive exchange of information intensified the processes of update and summarize of the lists and ensured collection of detailed information on voters, checking the spelling and grammatical mistakes of the lists, analyze of identical and repetitions, as well as, effective compile and publication of the lists.  

After the familiarization with the publication and storage of the voters’ list has been ended, CEC conducted a session chaired by Mr. Mazahir Panahov. At the session the issue on the results of compiling and updating of permanent voters’ list was discussed. 

Chairman M.Panahov thoroughly informed on broad and complex update process carried out since the beginnings of the year until the end of May and thanked all the bodies which have rendered necessary assistance to election commissions through the whole process. 

During the session where the results of the activity on the update of voters’ list were broadly discussed, CEC members underlined the use of high technological achievements and obvious development dynamics in the update process. Later, the Commission adopted a decision to end the process of compile and update of permanent voters’ list of 2017, to send the lists to relevant Con.ECs for the approval by PECs and Con.ECs, also after compiling the permanent voters’ list on the country, to post them on the official website.  

At the end of the update process, 5163250 voters were included in single voters’ list on the country, 48.42% of whose were males and 51.58% were females. 

During the session the CEC session minute, dated April 7, 2017 was approved, some normative acts and the structures of some Con.ECs were amended and current issues were also considered.
Media and Public Relations Department
CEC Secretariat