The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CEC) conducted conference "on improving election practice in the Republic of Azerbaijan" in the assembly hall of government building on May 31, 2005 related to the compile, specification of voter lists and issue of voter cards by the order of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated on May 11, 2005. CEC commissioners, chairmen of Constituency Election Commissions (Con.ECs) and responsible officials of CEC Secretariat participated at the conference.

31 may 2005 16:18
The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CEC) conducted conference "on improving election practice in the Republic of Azerbaijan” in the assembly hall of government building on May 31, 2005 
related to the compile, specification of voter lists and issue of voter cards by the order of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated on May 11, 2005. CEC commissioners, chairmen of Constituency Election Commissions (Con.ECs) and responsible officials of CEC Secretariat participated at the conference.

Mr. Mazahir Panahov opened the CEC conference. CEC Chairman who noted the exceptional importance of President’s order "on improving election practice in the Republic of Azerbaijan” dated on May 11, 2005, also stated since signing this order up today, he had met with representatives of most international organizations and embassies and these persons highly appreciated the above-mentioned order by the head of the government.

He noted that this document puts strict obligations upon election commissions and requirements caused by this order must form the basis of the activity of Con.ECs and Precinct Election Commissions (PECs).

Mr. Mazahir Panahov reminded of the concrete duties put upon CEC once more. CEC Chairman noted that one of them is connected with education of voters and lower election commissioners. By stating that CEC deals with this work and the order above-mentioned puts this issue more seriously, he also noted that regional conference will be held from June 7 up to June 14 and CEC commissioners will be sent on an official trips in order to participate in these conferences. Chairman of the Commission noted that after ending regional conferences, trainings will begin and the participation of all Con.EC and PEC members is urgent.

Mr. Mazahir Panahov noted that illegal interference in elections is specially emphasized in the order. If structures of local executive power and other organizations allow such interference, then CEC should be immediately informed about it and such cases should be prevented.

Chairman also gave instructions to Con.EC chairmen on forming facilities for the conduct of exit-polls (inquiries). He noted that head of the government will invite organizations of international respect to our country to deal with this work.

CEC Chairman directed the attention of Con.EC chairmen to the registration of candidacies of citizens. He informed that citizens should be helped at this as much as law basis permits.

Mr. Mazahir Panahov gave strict instructions to the Con.EC chairmen on providing each voter with voter cards. CEC Chairman also stated that specification of single voter lists was ended and to continue the specification process related to this issue is very important.

Later, Mr. Igbal Babayev, head of "Sechkilar” Information Center under CEC was given speech. He also talked about the importance of the known order by President and noted that besides many issues, this order also contains provisions related to single voter lists.Head of the Center informed about the works done in this field.

At the conference, some Con.EC chairmen also talked about the importance of the order by President of the Republic of Azerbaijan "on improving election practice” dated on May 11, 2005.

At the end, by making final speech, Mr. Mazahir Panahov, CEC Chairman stated about the requirement serious mastering and realization of the order above-mentioned by Con.EC and PEC commissioners.
Representatives of IFES (Interantional Foundation for Election Systems) also participated at the activity.