Central Election Commission finalized the repeat Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Aghdash Con.EC # 90

29 june 2016 17:47

The Central Election Commission (CEC) conducted a session chaired by Mr.Mazahir Panahov on June 29, 2016.

The issue on the compilation of the CEC protocol on general results of the
repeat Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Aghdash Con.EC # 90, examination of the election results and submission of the CEC protocol to the Constitutional Court for approval was considered at the session.

It was mentioned that after appointment of the
repeat Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Aghdash Con.EC # 90 by order of the President dated April 12, 2016 the elections were organised in high level, CEC and relevant state institutes have focused on the execution of the duties and competencies implied by the Election Code to prepare and hold election under free, fair and transparent atmosphere and all other activities were undertaken in accordance with "Calendar Plan”, compiled and approved by CEC.

7 candidacies representing political parties, also nominated on their own initiatives were registered in the repeat elections. All the candidates were facilitated equal conditions and opportunities during pre-election campaign and indoor, outdoor venues were under the disposal of the candidates. The candidates to deputy were entitled to utilize those areas free of charge upon informing the Con.EC and to hold meetings with their voters freely. Apart from all these, large-sized billboards were installed in all the polling stations within the Con.EC. The price list for payable airtime offered by the media outlets for candidates to hold pre-election campaign was presented to CEC and the information was posted on the Commission website for candidates to familiarize with.

The election-related appeals submitted up to the Election Day were put in the session and discussed by the Commission members with the participation of plaintiffs and other interested subjects and relevant decisions were made concerning the appeals upon inclusive and fair investigation. CEC was not filed any appeal or complaint on Election Day and the following day.

To ensure transparency in the repeat Elections to the Milli Majlis, 4 international and 741 local observers representing political parties, NGOs and who joined the elections on own initiatives were accredited. And the media representatives participated in the monitoring of the elections freely and without any obstacle since the beginning till the end of the election process without any requirement of additional documents and registration.

Generally, both local and international observers, also media representatives were provided with free access to implement their activity freely and independently during the preparations, voting day and post Election Day. International observers and other subjects who had observed the election process highlighted that the repeat elections had been arranged efficiently, conducted in compliance with the Election Code and they had not witnessed any violation during the voting and the following processes.

Apart from all the steps taken for ensuring transparency in the repeat Elections to the Milli Majlis on Aghdam Con.EC # 90, webcams were installed in 10 polling stations (approximately in 25% of the polling stations where elections are held) that cover the whole territory of the election constituency, which in its turn allowed to follow the voting process lively via internet. Internet users were able to monitor all the procedures in the polling stations from the beginning to the end either through the CEC website without any registration both within the country and from abroad.

Vote counting was conducted incessantly after the polling stations had been closed on the voting day. Preliminary voting results on the election constituencies and information on leader candidate were publicized within a short period. Final voting results protocols and other election documents were delivered by PECs to Con.ECs and from there to CEC within the period defined by law.

During the repeat Elections to the Milli Majlis voters visited the polling stations to express their will freely and independently and in general, 23292 of 40203 voters, i.e. 57.94 % of the voters’ total number participated in the voting.

The works towards the determination of general results of the repeat Elections to the Milli Majlis were finalized, CEC final protocol on general election results was compiled and approved. During the discussion of the Commission members the steps put in the repeat elections and projects carried out were evaluated as a positive event to conduct fair, free and transparent elections. Pursuant to the Election Code, a decision was adopted to submit the CEC Protocol on general results of the Elections to the Milli Majlis and relevant documents to the Constitutional Court for approval.

Representatives of media also took part at the session.

Media and public relations department
CEC Secretariat