The seminar dedicated to the financial reports of political parties was conducted jointly organized by the Central Election Commission and the Council of Europe

07 june 2016 10:52

The seminar on "The transparency of financing of political parties: submission of financial reports of political parties” in frame of the project of the Council of Europe / European Union titled "Strengthening capacities to fight and prevent corruption in Azerbaijan” was conducted jointly organized by the Central Election Commission and the European Council.

The seminar was attended by Chairman of the Central Election Commission Mazahir Panahov, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Baku Dragana Filipovich and Head of the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan Malena Mard.

The seminar was held with the aim of improve the activity related with financial reports that are significant in increase the transparency of financing of political parties and improve the efficiency of large-scale projects carried out in this direction.

Mazahir Panahov expressed his gratitude to the both organizations for their cooperation. CEC Chairman notified that political parties started their activity and multi-party was established after independence of Azerbaijan. M.Panahov mentioned that there are currently 55 state-registered political parties in the country, noting that the CEC is one of the main bodies for interaction with political parties. CEC Chairman also notified that political parties have made some progress in their activities. He mentioned that governments should be established through elections. In this respect, the activity of political parties is very significant. After gaining independence, Azerbaijan announced that it is part of the Western civilization and adjusted its legislation to it.

Head of the Council of Europe Office in Baku Dragana Filipovich said that the project is conducted in frame of "Eastern Partnership" program. She notified that, the main purpose is to achieve transparency in the activity of parties. Some parties do not submit the financial reports. They believe that after a while the financial reports will be submitted to the CEC by all parties. CEC called the parties to submit the financial reports on time. In this regard, the Commission has been involved in additional staff. Dragana Filipovich expressed her gratitude to the CEC for its high-level and constructive cooperation.

Head of the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan Malena Mard said that she appreciates cooperation of European Union and CEC. This project will allow to share the best experiences. She stressed that political parties are very important in the establishment of a modern and democratic state. There are different methods to prevent party financing through corrupt funds. There are problems in this sphere in some countries. Transparency plays an important role in the formation of common political values. The European Union and the Council of Europe cooperate with Azerbaijan in this sphere.

Then the seminar was continued with speeches and presentations of the representative of the Central Election Commission and the international expert from the Council of Europe on subjects "The role of reports in ensuring transparency of political parties’ financing activity and ways to solve this problem in the national legislation”, "Transparency: disclosure of funding sources, expenses, third parties”, "Monitoring of application of the legislation: the best experiences in supervision”, "Requirements on financial accountability of political parties participating in the elections” and "Sanctions: types, procedures and application”.

In the event, attended by members of the Central Election Commission, representatives of international organizations and CEC control and inspection service, the authorities of Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Finance and The Chamber of Auditors, international experts, heads and representatives of registered political parties, colleagues of the structural units of the CEC Secretariat related with the submission of annual financial reports of political parties and mass media, extensive discussions were held on different issues on financial reports of political parties and the emerged questions were replied to.