Professional courses on electoral right will be conducted in Aghdash Con.EC # 90

19 may 2016 13:24

Regarding the repeat elections to the Milli Majlis on Aghdash Con.EC # 90 on June 18, 2016, professional courses on electoral right will be conducted on May 20, 2016 upon the initiative and organization of the Central Election Commission in compliance with "National Activity Program to increase the efficiency of protecting human rights and freedoms in the Republic of Azerbaijan”, approved by the Order of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, dated December 27, 2011. The event to take place at the administrative premises of the Constituency Election Commission is targeted at the increase of professional skills and competencies of the Con.EC members and PEC chairmen on Aghdash Con.EC # 90. The agenda of the professional courses includes the issues on the preparations for the repeat elections to the Milli Majlis, dealing with the works on the voter lists, ensuring equal opportunities for pre-election campaign, roles and duties of observers and media representatives in the conduct of elections, E-day procedures, as well as a number of actual subjects. The study plan considers that the lectures will be presented by CEC representative, Con.EC chairman and the representative of the region executive authority having a post in the conduct of elections as in comply with the Election Code, the speeches will be heard and the questions interesting to the participants will be responded to.

Media and Public Relations Department
CEC Secretariat