The Central Election Commission conducted a seminar dedicated to the financial reports of political parties

16 march 2016 16:40

The seminar related to the financial reports of political parties was carried out by the initiative and organization of the Central Election Commission (CEC) on March 16, 2016.

The event, conducted in the Commission's administrative building, was devoted to the compilation of financial reports that are significant in further increasing the transparency of financing of political parties, their adoption, review and the features of publicizing.

In the seminar the lectures and presentations were made on the compilation of annual financial reports and financial reports on the elections of political parties, sending to the relevant authorities, review and the features of publicizing, role, rights and responsibilities of independent auditor in compilation of annual financial reports of political parties, financial documents that form the basis of the report and features of work with them, the responsibility for the violations of the law relating to financial reports by the authorities of CEC, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Finance and The Chamber of Auditors.

Heads and representatives of registered political parties, the members of the Commission and CEC control and inspection service, colleagues of the structural units of the CEC Secretariat related with the submission of annual financial reports of political parties, the officials of the relevant state institutions, the members of non-governmental organizations and mass media participated in the seminar.

In the event, as it was mentioned in the agenda, extensive discussions were held on different issues on annual financial reports and financial reports on the elections of political parties and the emerged questions were replied to.

Media and Public relations department
CEC Secretariat