Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan conducted session

31 august 2015 18:28

The Central Election Commission conducted the next session chaired by Mr.Mazahir Panahov on August 31, 2015. Firstly, the session minute of the Commission, dated August 19, 2015 was approved.

Later, the rules for the text, format, number and preparation of the notification for informing voters on the place and time of the voting in the Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, appointed to November 1, 2015 were reviewed. It should be noted that the notification contains detailed information on the voter’s name and address, also the address of the polling station to vote, place and time of the voting, the list of identification documents to be used in the voting process, as well as, the voting procedures. After the discussion of the Commission members, a decision was adopted to issue 5250000 (five million two hundred and fifty thousand) notifications on informing voters on the place and time of the voting.

During the session the registration of the authorized representatives of the New Azerbaijan Party, Civil Solidarity Party and Whole Azerbaijan Popular Front Party was discussed and the persons appointed by the foregoing parties were registered as authorized representatives.

The Instruction "On the rules for submission and processing of the appeals and complaints on the violation of election right filed to the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Constituency Election Commissions” was made amendments at the session to ensure citizens’ election rights more efficiently.

By the CEC decision, the structures of some Con.ECs were amended.

Current issues were also reviewed at the session attended by the representatives of international and foreign organizations, also mass media.

Media and Public relations department
CEC Secretariat