The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan conducted a session

05 november 2014 09:19

The Central Election Commission conducted the following session chaired by Mr.Mazahir Panahov on November 5, 2014. Firstly, the session minute dated October 31, 2014 of the Commission was approved.

Later, the issue on the rules for the preparation and number of final protocols on the voting results of election commissions in Municipal elections appointed to December 23, 2014 was discussed. The Commission adopted a decision on the preparation of the voting results protocols for Constituency Election Commissions according to the number of the municipalities where elections are held and for Precinct Election Commissions according to the number of the polling stations that organized voting. Meanwhile it was decided that upon being numbered in sequence on the election constituencies by indicating the serial number, the protocols shall be prepared in the form of a booklet consisting of 3 copies and each copy being from carbonized papers in different colors at the Press of the Milli Majlis Apparatus of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

At the CEC session, the issue on the registration of the authorized representatives of National Renascence Movement Party in the forthcoming Municipal elections was also considered and the persons presented by this party were registered as authorized representatives.

By the Commission decision, amendments were made to the structures of some Con.ECs.

At the session current issues were also considered.

Representatives of mass media also took part at the session.