Central Election Commission conducted a seminar for the chairpersons of Constituency Election Commissions

17 october 2014 19:38

According to the decision on the implementation of the chapters on election commissions of "National Activity Program for increasing the efficiency of protecting human rights and freedoms in the Republic of Azerbaijan”, approved by Order of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 27, 2011, the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CEC) conducted a seminar on October 17, 2014 at the administrative building of CEC in Baku for the Con.EC chairpersons to improve further the professional skills, knowledge, abilities and election-related experiences of lower election commission members in the forthcoming Municipal elections.

Having opened the seminar with an introductory speech, Mr.Mazahir Panahov, CEC Chairman emphasized that free, fair and transparent elections were not only one of the main factors for the development of democratic values, but also a democratic global necessity. He stated that a trend had been formed for the conduct of free, fair and transparent elections. Public and political tranquility realized at the result of a successful policy carried on facilitated the conduct of high-level and democratic elections. Election practice has been improved and a regular legal framework has been established in the country. CEC Chairman emphasized on the firm position, political will, as well as, focus and care of the head of state for the conduct of free and fair elections. Mr.Mazahir Panahov stated that new administrative buildings were built for more than 100 Con.ECs out of 125 including CEC and working conditions were improved in others by undertaking necessary restoration works, thereby reinforcing their material and technical basis and these opportunities were example for world practice and taking the availability of a chance, he expressed his gratitude to the country government on behalf of CEC.

CEC Chairman informed the seminar participants on the activities undertaken with regard to the Municipal elections to be held in the end of the year and the projects to be carried on in the next stage and provided his recommendations.

At the seminar Mr.Huseyn Movsumov, deputy head of Department for Regional Administration and Work with local self-governing bodies of the Administration of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr.Arif Rahimzadeh, chair of Committee on Regional Affairs of the Milli Majlis, Mr.Rustam Usubov, first deputy of Prosecutor General of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr.Oruj Zalov, deputy minister of Interior Affairs, Mr.Iman Naghiyev, chair of Baku Appeal Court, Mr.Shahin Yusifov, head of Judicial Board on criminal cases of Supreme Court and Mr.Fazil Mammadov, deputy chair of Center for the Work with Municipalities of the Ministry of Justice took floor with presentations on different election-related subjects.

The educational activities will continue with a practice exchange of Con.EC chairpersons at Con.ECs located within Baku on the next day.

In the second stage of the project it is planned to hold professional courses on election right for other Con.EC members and PEC chairpersons in regions.

Seminar photos

Photos: Azertac