Mr. Mazahir Panahov, Chairman of the Central Election Commission will attend International Symposium

02 december 2013 16:06

Mr. Mazahir Panahov, Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan is on official trip to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia upon the invitiation of International Parliamentary Research Center of Great Britain. The goal of visit is to take part in VII International Symposium on election-related issues, which is to be hold under the organization of International Parliamentary Research Center of Great Britain and CEC of Malaysia. The theme of the activity to be conducted on 3-4 December, 2013 is "electoral reforms of XXI century”. The aim of conducting the symposium was to share the practice of chiefs and electoral experts of the election bodies of different participating countries on the election process and its management and to hold views exchange in this field.

Many other meetings of CEC Chairman are also scheduled within the frame of visit.

During the visit, CEC Chairman of the Republic of Azerbaijan is accompanied by Mr. Rovzat Gasimov, Head of the Commission Secretariat.