Presidential Elections in Azerbaijan were held in peaceful environment – Europarliament member

10 october 2013 20:10

Elections in Azerbaijan were conducted in a peaceful, democratic and free atmosphere, Christina Ojuland, Estonian member of the Europarliament said at the Independent Press Center.

"As a European Parliament member, I would like to share the opinion expressed in the EP report, which was made public an hour ago. It says that elections were held in a democratic atmosphere,” she said.

No country can be considered absolutely perfect but it is evident that Azerbaijan has developed during ten years.

"I would like to congratulate President Ilham Aliyev and all the people of Azerbaijan on the elections held in the free atmosphere,” Ojuland noted.

According to her, all the observers and representatives of the civil society were entitled to use Internet freely and it means that everyone could have expressed his opinion easily. According to her, representatives of the opposition of Azerbaijan were not active enough in using social media.

This election is one of the phases of the great progress of Azerbaijan, which has cultivated its relations and strategic partnership with the West during recent years.

"The elections were held peacefully. I want all critics to know that you cannot expect the country to integrate the same electoral process as in any other country, for example, the European country. All countries, mentalities and people are different,” Ojuland said.