The work of polling stations as well as the election system in Azerbaijan organized very efficiently

09 october 2013 18:55

Baku, October 9. The polling stations just as of all the election system in Azerbaijan work very efficiently, said Roy Kienitz, international observer who is monitoring presidential elections in Azerbaijan, the Independent Press Center reported.

"I have not encountered any problem while observing presidential elections in Azerbaijan,” Kienitz said.

He noted that his group visited many polling stations outside Baku during the day.

"We were curious about the process, talked to people before and after voting. I came to a conclusion that people are happy to vote. I was impressed by the voter turnout and the fact that people actively went to the polls so willingly to take part in the political life of their country. I can state that people in my country are not so active and no more than 50% of people go to vote. However, the number of people casting their vote in today`s elections will be very big,” Kienitz said.