Everything has been done for each candidate so that he could conduct his campaign in accordance with code, Yevgeny Sloboda

05 october 2013 17:49

Head of the CIS observation mission`s headquarters Yevgeny Sloboda told the Independent Press Center that the Commonwealth of Independent States observation mission invited by the government of Azerbaijan has embarked on the monitoring of the presidential elections in Azerbaijan since September 10,.

Head of the CIS mission`s headquarters noted that the mission is currently monitors the campaigning. According to him, this work is going on smoothly and according to the election preparation calendar plan.

Sloboda noted that free airtime is allocated to the presidential candidates on both TV and radio, adding that TV debates are being conducted, and each candidate is entitled to publish his pre-election program and send one non-voting representative to the central and constituency election commission.

According to Sloboda, everything has been done for each candidate so that he could conduct his campaign in accordance with code

Sloboda pointed out that the CIS mission interacts closely with the bodies authorized to review appeals, complaints and statements on the election process. According to him, the prosecutor`s office has so far received 5 appeals on the violations, of which 1 has been sent anonymously.

"I have met with the Interior Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ramil Usubov and on October 4 we had a meeting with first deputy Prosecutor General Rustam Usubov, during which we were briefed on the measures being put in place so that public order was ensured during the campaigning and on the voting day,” he said.