New network-based version of SECKILER State Automated Information System created

05 october 2013 17:47

The sophisticated Information and Communication Technologies are being utilized to improve the election system and conduct elections in a totally democratic and transparent manner, the Independent Press Center reported.

A new network-based version of the Seckiler State Automated Information System has been created. The application of the automated information system in the election system was praised by the foreign experts too.

The CEC Secretariat told the Independent Press Center that Azerbaijan is among leaders in this field. This system has been applied since 2000. The system is being refined year after year and was even more expanded this year. Fiber optic cables have been installed at the administrative buildings of each of 125 constituency election commissions. Thus, the CEC`s Information Center and constituency election commissions were connected to one local network. This network will allow a1-10Gb/sec speed information exchange between the CEC`s information center and the constituency election commissions. It will enable the constituency election commission to send information on the voter turnout and preliminary vote returns securely and promptly to the CEC. In accordance with the results reporting timetable, this information will be made available for the public through the media.

The information on the voting results is scheduled to be released five times until the voting ends on the election day.

The information on the voter turnout will be released on October 9 at 10:00, 12:00, 15:00, 17:00 and 19:00.

As soon as the protocols submission process is over, the general public will be informed about the preliminary vote tally.

To increase the effectiveness of the work, hands-on trainings have been held for advisor-operators of the constituency election commissions.

The operators acquired practical knowledge on the new network-based version of the SECKILER State Automated Information System, which they will use to send information to the CEC on the election day, and were shown and taught about rules for its use.