Central Election Commission conducted session on September 29, 2013

29 september 2013 14:50
Central Election Commission conducted its next session under the chairmanship of Mr.Mazahir Panahov on September 29, 2013.

Firstly, the issue on the registration of authorized representatives of candidate to presidency Jamil Hasanli was reviewed. CEC adopted decision on the registration of 3 authorized representatives presented by Jamil Hasanli.

25 agents by Azerbaijan Democrat Party, 28 agents by National Renaissance Movement Party and 40 agents by Hope Party were registered at the session.

The appeals received by the Central Election Commission were also considered at the session. As in one case, the person who has filed the appeal, recalled it, this appeal was terminated to be considered. Another appeal was decided to be implemented.

CEC also reviewed current issues.

Representatives of international organizations and mass media also took part at the session.