The process of publishing ballot papers for the Presidential Elections started

28 september 2013 15:12

Ballot papers for the upcoming Presidential elections started to be published at the Press of Milli Majlis on September 28, 2013. Chairman of Central Election Commission Mazahir Panahov was familiarized with the process of publishing ballot papers and final protocols of Constituency and Precinct Election Commissions in the Press. Speaking about the start of the publication of the foregoing documents, CEC Chairman Mazahir Panahov informed the journalists that 5 million 149 thousand 255 ballot papers would be published. Distributing the published ballot papers and protocols to Constituency Election Commissions will start on September 30, 2013 and the process will be finished on October 4, 2013.

CEC Chairman stated that the processes of publishing and distributing ballot papers could also be followed by international observers and mass media representatives. The process of publishing ballot papers and final protocols is secured by Special State Security Service.

Mazahir Panahov noted at the end that the Presidential elections would be conducted in Azerbaijan fully transparently and in the frame of protecting citizens’ constitutional rights.