Center of technical control on web cameras was followed at the Central Election Commission
27 September (AzerTaj). Center of technical control on web cameras was followed
at Central Election Commission (CEC) on September 27, 2013.
informs that at the event CEC Chairman Mazahir Panahov and Minister of
Communicational and Informational Technologies Ali Abbasov were made
familiar with the activities taken regarding the enhance of using informational
communication technologies (ICT) in the election process.
Deputy Minister of Communicational and Informational Technologies Iltimas Mammadov
reported on the activities taken regarding the election preparation. Each of
125 constituencies located within the country were informed to have been lined
I.Mammadov stated that the number of the web cameras installed in polling
stations has been raised from 500 to 1000. It will be possible to ensure
controlling and regulating effectively these images at the center of technical
control on web cameras located in the building of CEC. It was informed that the
voting process would be possible to be followed live by connecting to "E-government”
portal and relevant websites of CEC on Election Day.
Rufat Gulmammadov, Head of Information Center of CEC Secretariat made
presentation at the event. CEC website was informed to be given to use in new
design and subject. The information is presented here synchronically in
Azerbaijani and English.
It was stated that a group of services provided to voters by CEC has been
connected to "e-government” portal. Six services of CEC were given to use of
voters by "e-governmet”. And another three services will be presented to voters
on Election Day.
R.Gulmammadov brought to notice that voters will be able to determine their
polling station to vote and the election constituency which the polling station
belongs to by indicating their names, surnames, patronymics, sex and date of
birth through the service integrated in "e-government”. Voters also have opportunity
to see the area of this constituency and polling station on the map. Therewith,
voters may also define the road to the polling station by indicating their place
of staying on the map.
Rufat Gulmammadov stated that CEC had received 4915 online appeals regarding
voters’ lists. 4560 of the appeals were implemented and 355 appeals were
impossible to be implemented due to anonymity.
CEC Chairman Mazahir Panahov noted that improvements attained in the field of
informational and communicational technologies (ICT) were broadly used in the
conduct of transparent election process. M.Panahov stated that the application
of modern ICT had already been enhanced to be used at CEC. All the election
constituencies and polling stations have fully been provided with modern
communicational systems.
Minister of Communicational and Informational Technologies Ali Abbasov
emphasized that the control system of web cameras installed for controlling the
process in polling stations on the voting day had been provided with modern
technologies and was fully ready, and all the polling stations were supplied
with sustainable communication.