Central Election Commission conducted next session on September 21, 2013

21 september 2013 21:41

Central Election Commission conducted next session under the chairmanship of Mr.Mazahir Panahov on September 21, 2013.

Firstly, the session minute dated 19 September 2013 was approved.

Later, Mansum Bayramov appointed by candidate in the Presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan Jamil Hasanli was verified as a member having consultative right at Central Election Commission.

Decision was adopted on the registration of 112 persons presented by candidate to presidency Jamil Hasanli as authorized representative at the session.

The Commission adopted decision on the cancel of registration of Hasan Shikhaliyev, authorized representative upon the request of candidate to presidency Jamil Hasanli and regarding the badge provided to him invalid.

The appeals filed to Central Election Commission regarding the violation of pre-election campaign rules were also considered at the session. Commission adopted decision on making warning for one of the candidates appealed about and strict warning for another one. It was also decided to remind the persons having rights to conduct campaign, especially, participants of "round table” on the necessity of complying strictly with legal requirements and prevention of abuse in the conduct of pre-election campaign. Decision also underlined informing Public TV and Radio Broadcasting Company on the essence of determining and applying more convenient methods and ways of effective organization and conduct of "Round table” in limits and manner defined by legislation.

CEC also reviewed current issues.

Representatives of international organizations and mass media also took part at the session.