Central Election Commission conducted next session on September 19, 2013

19 september 2013 17:09

Central Election Commission conducted next session under the chairmanship of Mr. Mazahir Panahov on September 19, 2013.

Firstly, the session minute of the Commission dated 13 September 2013 was approved.

Later, the Commission adopted decision on the verification of Nushabe Alizade appointed by Social Democrat Party and Nizami Mammadzade appointed by Democratic Party as CEC members with consultative rights.

Decision was also adopted on the registration of 18 authorized representatives presented by National Renaissance Party at the session.

CEC registered Gulbey Amirov as an authorized representative of Modern Musavat Party and Elshad Mirbashir as an authorized representative of candidate to presidency Zahid Oruj.

Decision was adopted on the registration of 50 agents of United Azerbaijan Popular Front Party, 5 agents of Azerbaijan Social Democrat Party, 17 agents of Azerbaijan Democrat Party, 37 agents of candidate to presidency Jamil Hasanli and 13 agents of Justice Party at the session of the Commission.

Amendments were made to the structure of Jalilabad city Con.EC 67 and Gadabay Con.EC 103 at the session.

CEC also reviewed current issues.

The representatives of international organizations and mass media also took part at the session of the Commission.