Central Election Commission conducted training for trainers

18 september 2013 16:22

Baku, 18 September (AzerTaj). Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan organized training for trainers on September 18, 2013.

AzerTaj informs that CEC Deputy Chairman Natig Mammadov opened the event and spoke about the importance of the training. It was noted that professionalism and possessing high knowledge of trainers play an important role in the conduct of elections more effectively. Efficiency of elections in Azerbaijan has been raised year by year and made consistent with modern standards. And the main reason of this is increase of practical election experience of CEC.

Natig Mammadov spoke about the responsibility of trainers and stated that "they undertake responsibility for awareness raising of Precinct Election Commission that play an important role in the implementation of voters’ election rights”.

Natig Mammadov reminded that educational activities had been considerably increased in the elections of this year in comparison with previous elections. The number of visual aids for awareness raising of voters and organizers has also been raised. CEC will also carry on the activities in this field from now on.

Presentations were made on "Roles and duties of Precinct Election Commission on Election Day”, "Election Day processes and exceptional cases”, "Preparation for vote count. Classification of ballot papers. Vote count and filling of the final protocol” and "Practice obtained during previous trainings, format and organization of trainings on constituencies” and discussions were held during the event.

Practical issues on Election Day were also taken into consideration during the training.

Trainings will last for 4 days.