On September 3, 2013 Central Election Commission conducted its next session under the chairmanship of Mr. Mazahir Panahov

03 september 2013 15:59

On September 3, 2013 Central Election Commission conducted its next session under the chairmanship of Mr. Mazahir Panahov.

Firstly, session minute of the Commission dated 31 August 2013 was approved.

At the session, the issue on registration of the candidacy of Igbal Fehruz oghlu Aghazade nominated by Umid ("Hope”) Party in Presidential elections appointed to October 9, 2013 was reviewed. It was stated that signature sheets collected in support of the candidate and the documents to be attached to them were submitted to Central Election Commission for the candidate’s registration on 27 August 2013.CEC conducted investigation within the period and in a manner defined by law and determined grounds for the candidate’s registration.

Later, Mr.Ilham Mammadov, head of the Working Group under the Commission reported on the results of investigating signature sheets and other documents submitted by Umid Party.

Central Election Commission decided to register Igbal Fehruz oghlu Aghazade nominated by Umid Party as a candidate in Presidential elections on October 9, 2013.

At the session, the text and format of ballot papers were approved and totally, 5 149 255 ballot papers not exceeding 3 % of the total number of the voters registered in the country shall be printed at the printing office of the Milli Majlis Apparatus under the observation of 3 members of Central Election Commission in accordance with the representation principle.

Central Election Commission made amendments to the structure of Surakhani first Con.EC 30.

At the session, current issues were also considered.

At the CEC session, representatives of international organizations and mass media also took part.