Informational sessions on non-interference in election process started

23 august 2013 15:05

Informational session on "non-interference in election process”, organized by Administration of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Central Election Commission and OSCE Baku office was conducted for the heads of Baku and surrounding regional (city) executive authorities and chairpersons of Constituency Election Commissions on 23 August at "Four seasons” hotel.

Mr. Mazahir Panahov, Chairman of Central Election Commission made opening speech at the session and stated that Azerbaijan is in the course of a very important election campaign. All the facilities necessary for democratic, fair and free conduct of elections have been provided in Azerbaijan. Public and political stability which is one of important factors for the conduct of democratic elections is ruling in the country and there is a perfect legislative framework. The main point includes the political will of the country leadership related conduct of elections in comply with legal requirements and democratic principles.

CEC makes its efforts to professionally cope with the duties undertaken by it as an organization responsible for the conduct of Presidential elections. Lower-level election commissions have been fully facilitated and their material and technical supply has been highly provided. CEC is implementing different educational activities for awareness raising of the members of lower-level election commissions and other election actors and this kind of projects will be carried on up to the Election Day. Some of the projects are implemented in cooperation with international organizations.

Emphasizing great interest of international organizations in elections, Chairman also noted that they also focused on these elections. He informed on the cooperation of Azerbaijan with international organizations, especially, with OSCE and stated that these relations played an important role in the conduct of democratic, transparent elections and expressed his expect for further maintenance of the relations in this way.

M.Panahov spoke about the role and duties of the executive authorities in top-level conduct of the elections and stated that elections arrangement at high level shall be directly focused by local executive authority chiefs and they shall be responsible for this task. The cooperation of the heads of executive authorities with the chairpersons of Constituency Election Commissions in frame of legal requirements at this activity of great importance in future of Azerbaijan will play a serious role in the conduct of more democratic and faultless elections. This traditional activity with the participation of the heads of executive authorities and chairpersons of Constituency Election Commissions, organized by Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Central Election Commission and OSCE Baku office is very essential and effective for holding discussions on the prevention of undue interference in elections.

At the end of his speech, Chairman of Central Election Commission wished success in the upcoming elections to the activity participants.

Ambassador Koray Taygar, Head of OSCE Baku office who made speech after CEC Chairman stated that the goal of the organization led by him is to assist Azerbaijan in democratic conduct of the upcoming Presidential elections. OSCE implements its function in this field jointly with state institutions of Azerbaijan.

Ambassador Targay informed that the organization led by him would support Azerbaijan to execute its commitments undertaken with regard to the conduct of free and fair elections and noted that 310 observers by OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights would observe these Presidential elections. Stating that "Azerbaijan being developed dynamically so far is faced with great duties. Future welfare of Azerbaijan goes through democratic society building”, Ambassador expressed his sureness in Presidential elections to prove the successful conduct of this process.

Arastun Mehdiyev, Deputy Head of Department for Public and Political Issues of Administration of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan emphasized the importance of the informational sessions organized on "non-interference in election process”. He informed that political will of Azerbaijan government allows conduct of fully democratic Presidential elections in the country. He also highlighted that Azerbaijan had already gained sufficient practice in the field of conducting elections and both CEC and lower-level election commissions and other state bodies, as well as, executive authorities had got adequate practice in this field.

A.Mehdiyev informed that Presidential elections had provided opportunity to express the position and will of the country and to make decision for determining fields and perspectives of development in Azerbaijan for the next five years. In this respect, Presidential elections are very important event in social-economic and political life of Azerbaijan. Practice and experience obtained in the elections conducted so far and professionalism of the persons involved in this process will allow conduct of the upcoming Presidential elections at high level.

At the session, Toralf Pilz, Charge d'Affaires of the EU representation to the country emphasized the great importance of 2013 for Azerbaijan. An important role of Azerbaijan in international sphere caused further increase of interest in the upcoming Presidential elections of this year.

Later, Nicholas Detsch, the Head of the Democratization Unit at the OSCE Office in Baku, Natig Mammadov, CEC Deputy Chairman and expert Hafiz Hasanov made speech on "non-interference in election process”.

At the end of the activity, broad discussions on the issue were conducted. It’s worthy to note that informational sessions are planned to be conducted in Mingachevir on 27 August and in Shirvan on 30 August for the heads of relevant regional (city) executive authorities and Con.EC chairpersons.