The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CEC) conducted its session by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on October 1, 2004.

01 october 2004 17:07

The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CEC) conducted its session by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on October 1, 2004.

First of all, CEC protocols dated on September 2, 9 and 16, 2004 were approved.

Later, Mr. Natig Mammadov, CEC Secretary reported on the following issue included in the agenda – i.e. registration of "Azerbaijani Forces Union” block of political parties. CEC adopted decision on the registration of this election block.

The Commission also adopted decision on requirements for preparation rule, text and format, the number of ballot papers in By-elections to the Milli Majlis.

Mr. Vidadi Mahmudov, CEC Secreatry reported on the draft of the Precinct Election Commission protocol on voting results in municipal elections. CEC approved this protocol sample.

Later, amendments were made in the composition of some Constituency Election Commissions.

The Commission also considered current issues.

Representatives of IFES (International Foundation for Election Systems) and mass media participated in the CEC session.