Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CEC) conducted its session by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on September 16, 2004.

16 september 2004 16:32

Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CEC) conducted its session by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on September 16, 2004.

Firstly, Mr. Natig Mammadov, CEC Secretary reported on the first issue included in the agenda – considering the registration of "Democratic Azerbaijan” election block established by Party of Justice and Civil Solidarity to participate in Municipal Elections . The Commission adopted decision to solve this issue positively.

Later, Mr. Vidadi Mahmudov, CEC Secretary reported on making amendments in the composition of Binagadi first Con.EC # 8, Nizami second Con.EC # 25, Sabirabad – Kurdamir Con.EC # 65, Masalli city Con.EC # 70, Tovuz-Gazakh-Aghstafa Con.EC # 106 and Aghstafa Con.EC # 108.

CEC adopted decision on making amendments in the composition of these Con.ECs.

In the session, applies entered CEC were also discussed and relevant decisions were adopted.

The Commission considered current issues.

Representatives of IFES (International Foundation for Election Systems), mass media also participated in CEC session.