Chairman of Central Election Commission addressed to students and other voters unable to vote in the precinct where he/she has been registered

30 august 2008 11:33

Chairman of Central Election Commission addressed to students and other voters unable to vote in the precinct where he/she has been registered.

Chairman of Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CEC) addressed to students and other voters unable to vote in the precinct where he/she has been registered and stated that pursuant to Article 101.2 of Election Code, the voters unable to vote in the precinct where they have been included in the voters’ lists can vote in any precinct on the voting day by receiving de-registration card from the relevant Constituency and Precinct Election Commission (Con.EC and PEC) based on this card. While speaking about such voters, first of all, students are meant. Students, who are on summer vacation, will return to the cities where they study from the areas since September where they have been permanently registered. Because of the difficulty of their turning back to these areas again, they shall get de-registration cards by applying to Constituency election Commissions (Con.ECs). Besides students, internally displaced voters, voters on official trips or resting in another place can also exercise the right to get de-registration card.

In order to get this card, these voters can apply to the Con.EC from 45 days till 25 days prior to the voting day, i.e. since August 31 up to September 2 and to the PEC from 24 days till 3 days prior to the voting day, i.e. since September 21 up to October 12. it shall be prohibited to provide a voter with several de-registration cards. De-registration card shall be provided to the voter based on the voter’s applications or his/her authorized representative based on the powers of attorney approved in the notary order.