Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CEC) conducted its session headed by Mr. Mazahir Panahov

07 august 2008 11:23

Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CEC) conducted its session headed by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on August 7, 2008.

Firstly, session minutes adopted by the Commission dated on July 4, 18 and 28, 2008 were approved.
Later, Mr. Natig Mammadov, CEC Secretary reported on the approval of candidacy of Mr. Ilham Heydar oghlu Aliyev to Presidency of the Republic of Azerbaijan nominated by the New Azerbaijani Party. He stated that Mr. Ilham Heydar oghlu Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, chair of the New Azerbaijani Party was nominated in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan to be conducted on October 15, 2008 by Decision of IV Convention of the New Azerbaijani Party dated on August 2, 2008. Documents for the approval of the candidate’s nomination were submitted to the CEC by the authorized representative of the party on August 2, 2008. CEC conducted investigation related on this in period and case implied by legislation and determined bases for approving the nominated candidacy. Furthermore, Initiative Group from Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic and "Confederation of Officers in Reserve” initiative group also applied to the CEC on their support his candidacy. CEC decided to approve the candidacy of Mr. Ilham Heydar oghlu Aliyev who has been nominated by the New Azerbaijani Party in Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed on October 15, 2008. The issue on the approval of the candidacy of Mr. Igbal Fehruz oghlu Agha-zade nominated by Azerbaijan "Umid” Party was also reported about and it was informed on the accuracy of the documents submitted for the approval of this person’s candidacy. CEC adopted decision on the approval of the candidacy of Mr. Igbal Fehruz oghlu Agha-zade. CEC adopted decision on the approval of candidacies of Mr. Yashar Rahim oghlu Ahmadov, Vugar Sabir oghlu Seyidov, Alimukhtar Dadash oghlu Akbarov and Ms. Sevinj Maharram gizi Guliyeva who have been nominated on their own initiatives. CEC also decided to adopt some normative acts. CEC made amendments in the composition of Yasamal third Con.EC # 17, Sabail Con.EC # 29, Guba Con.EC # 52, Fuzuli Con.EC # 84, Tovuz Con.EC # 105, Tovuz-Aghstafa Con.EC # 106 and Jabrayil-Gubadli Con.EC # 120. At the session, current issues were also considered.At the CEC session, representatives of OSCE Baku office, IFES (the USA) and mass media also took part.