Venice Commission of the Council of Europe, Office for Human Rights of the Council of Europe and special representative of Secretary General of the Council of Europe to Azerbaijan will conduct joint training-seminars on the subject of elections in Baki by participation of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan on September 8-9-10, 2003

09 september 2003 09:40

Venice Commission of the Council of Europe, Office for Human Rights of the Council of Europe and special representative of Secretary General of the Council of Europe to Azerbaijan will conduct joint training-seminars on the subject of elections in Baki by participation of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan on September 8-9-10, 2003 .

Training-seminars were considered to be conducted on two groups. The first group includes representatives of political parties, election observers, representatives of NGOs and mass media and the second group includes commissioners of the Central Election Commission and lower election commissions and court judges.

Training-seminar will be conducted for representatives of political parties, election observers, representatives of NGOs and mass media who enter the first group on September 8, 2003. Participation of commissioners of the Central Election Commission and lower election commissions who enter the second group is considered on September 9, 2003. Besides CEC and lower election commissioners court judges who enter the second group will also be participants of the training-seminar on September 10, 2003, i.e. on the third day of the activity.

It was considered that Mr. Bernard Owen – Secretary General of Comparative Election Studies Center (France), Mr. Didier Vinolas – Ministry of Interior Affairs of France, Mr. Richard Baretin – Official of Law Department of Ireland, Mr. G. Buenger – Representative of International Commission on Missing People in Skopje, Mr. Christophoros Christophorou – former director of Cyprus TV and Radio Body, media and political analytic and Mr. Ashok Ahir – Managing editor and politician of Wales Office, BBC are to report in this activity.