The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CEC) conducted its session chaired by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on August 22, 2003

22 august 2003 18:17

The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CEC) conducted its session chaired by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on August 22, 2003.
Mr. Mazahir Panahov, CEC Chairman reported on the formation of the lottery commission in order to provide registered candidates to presidency with free airtime related to the Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 15, 2003. Then, a lottery commission consisting of CEC commissioners - Mr. Azer Taghiyev, Mr. Fuad Javadov, Mr. Anvar Aliyev and Mr. Azer Sariyev, Head of CEC Press Department was established. Later, Mr. Mazahir Panahov, CEC Chairman reported on the allocation of funding by CEC for reimbursement of the payment for providence of registered candidates to presidency with free airtime in pages of periodicals "Azerbaijan”, "Khalg gazeti” ("Popular newspaper”), "Respublica” ("Republic”) and "Bakinski rabochi” (Baku worker”). The Commission decided to solve this issue positively.
Mrs. Svetlana Gasimova, CEC Deputy Chairman reported on the registration of 50 agents appointed by the New Azerbaijan Party. The Commission decided to solve this issue positively. 
Then, a break was proclaimed to conduct the lottery in the CEC session and lottery was conducted by participation of authorized representatives of candidates to presidency and representatives of mass media. After the end of lottery, results were declared. 

Mr. Ingilab Nasirov, CEC Secretary reported on the approval of the appointment of Mr. Arif Amiraslan oghlu Guliyev as member with consultative right to vote in CEC by the Alliance Party for the sake of Azerbaijan and appointment of Mr. Abdulla Huseyn oghlu Isayev as observer in the whole territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The Commission decided to solve this issue positively. 

Mr. Vidadi Mahmudov, CEC Secretary reported on the presentation of Mr. Muzaffar Giyas oghlu Bakhishov appointed member with consultative right to vote by the Civil Solidarity Party, as well as of Mr. Yamil Isa oghlu Mustafayev appointed observer in the whole territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The Commission voted for these issues. 

Mr. Ingilab Nasirov, CEC Secretary brought the proposal on the approval of the appointment of Mr. Rauf Allahverdi oghlu Hasanzade as member with consultative right to vote in CEC by the Modern Musavat Party, as well as appointment of Mr. Akif Musa oghlu Mammadov as observer in the whole territory of the republic to notice. CEC participants upheld this proposal. 
Mr. Vidadi Mahmudov, CEC Secretary reported on the approval of the appointment of Mr. Elkhan Saleh oghlu Abbasov as member with consultative right to vote in CEC by Lale Shovkat Hajiyeva, candidate to presidency and appointment of Mr. Mahir Mammad oghlu Yagubov as observer in the whole territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The Commission solved this issue positively, too. 

Later, Mr. Ingilab Nasirov, CEC Secretary brought the proposal on the approval of the appointment of Mr. Telman Abieli oghlu Gasimov as member with consultative right to vote in CEC by the National Unity Party, as well as on the registration of 50 agents appointed by this party to notice. This issue was decided to be settled positively.
Mr. Vidadi Mahmudov, CEC Secretary reported on the approval of the appointment of Mr. Azad Yusif oghlu Masiyev as member with consultative right to vote in CEC by the Adalet Party and appointment of Mr. Rustam Samad oghlu Hasanov as observer in the whole territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan and on the registration of 50 agents. 

Then, Mr. Azer Taghiyev, CEC commissioner reported on the consideration of the entered appeals. CEC commissioners adopted relevant decisions related to complains.

Later, Mr. Fuad Javadov, CEC commissioner declared the results of the lottery conducted with the aim of free airtime division for registered candidates in the Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 15, 2003. Commissioners voted for the approval of these results.

Representatives of IFES (International Foundation for Election Systems), National Democracy Institution, embassies of the USA, Japan, representatives of foreign and domestic mass media participated in the CEC session.