Seminar for Constituency Election commissioners Regional seminars for Constituency Election commissioners related to Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan are continued to be held

21 august 2003 18:14

Seminar for Constituency Election commissioners Regional seminars for Constituency Election commissioners related to Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan are continued to be held. On August 21, seminar was held in the Cultural Center named after Shahriyar for commissioners of 29 constituencies located in Baku and commissioners of Jabrayil-Gubadli Con.EC # 120, Shusha-Fizuli-Khojali-Khojavend Con.EC #124 and Zangilan-Gubadli Con.EC # 125.

Seminar was opened by Mr. Mazahir Panahov, CEC Chairman. He congratulated Con.EC commissioners for being elected and informed that CEC organized seminars in 7 regions of the country for legal eduaction and instruction of Con.EC commisioners. CEC Chairman also brought into the attention that such an activity would also be held in Nakhichevan city on August 22.

Later, M.Panahov said that next Preisdential Elections will be an important historical event in public-political life of our country and under such historical condition, Con.ECs carry great responsibility. CEC Chairman who emphasized the importance of the factor of public-political stabilityfor the conduct of transparent and fair elections. CEC Chairman stated that such stability had already been formed at the result of efforts of incumbent government, multi party system was constituted, sensorship was canceled upon mass media, shortly saying, democratic situation was restored. The speaker who thanked the incumbent government stated that Election Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan adopted by the country parliament and enforced by being signed by state head. 

CEC Chairman stated that conduct of elections consists of 3 stages. At the first stage candidates are nominated, at the second stage, campaign is conducted, at this stage, voting is held. Speaker who told that first stage is finished and much work was done, informed that second stage began. M. Panahov specially noted that establishment of Con.ECs and PECs is of great importance.

At the seminar, reports of CEC commissioners were heard. Mr. Fuad Javadov, CEC Commissioner reported on the compilement of voters lists and de-registration cards that approves inclusion of voters in voters lists. Telling examples from international practice he stated that, compilement of voters lists was implemented pursuant to Canada and England practice. He informed that before main and supplementary voters lists were for CEC, but now there is single voters list pursuant to Election Code. He talked about other issues concerning the discussed topic.

Mr. Azer Taghiyev, CEC Commissioner, another speaker reported on ensuring equal conditions for registered candidates to presidency, political parties and block of political parties to conduct of pre-election campaign within the constituency. He also informed about the rules and period of pre-election campaign and talked about the role of mass media in the campaign process. A.Taghiyev noted that it should be prevented religious men to conduct campaign and reminded that this issue was reflected in the Constitution.

After Azer Taghiyev, Asif Mahmudov, CEC Commissioner reported on the formation of PECs and coordination of conrtol upon them. He talked about establishment of polling stations, organization rules, duties of PECs and function of commissioners. At the end of seminar, CEC commissioners replied the questions of Con.EC commissioners.
Representatives of mass media participated in the activity.