The Central Election Commission (CEC) conducted its session chaired by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on August 14, 2003

14 august 2003 18:05

The Central Election Commission (CEC) conducted its session chaired by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on August 14, 2003.Mr. Ingilab Nasirov, CEC Secretary reported on the registration of candidacies of Mr. Hafiz Alamdar oghlu Hajiyev, Mr. Ikhtiyar Alibala oghlu Shirin, Mr. Araz Mammad Mubariz oghlu Alizade, Mrs. Lale-Shovkat Hajiyeva whose candidacies to presidency of the Republic of Azerbaijan have been approved.


The Commission did not register the candidacies of Mr. Hafiz Alamdar oghlu Hajiyev, Mr. Ikhtiyar Alibala oghlu Shirin, and Mr. Araz Mammad Mubariz oghlu Alizade whose candidacies to presidency of the Republic of Azerbaijan have been approved, as the number of valid voters signatures submitted in support of them was insufficient.


CEC decided to register the candidacy of Mrs. Lale-Shovkat Hajiyeva to presidency as she appealed on her registration under the condition of not returning voluntary registration deposit.


Mr. Mazahir Panahov, CEC Chairman reported on the conduct of the voting related to rejection of the registration of the candidacy of Mr. Sabit Khudu oghlu Rustamkhanli to presidency.


The Commission decided not to register the candidacy of Mr. Sabir Khudu oghlu Rustamkhanli to presidency by vote majority.


In the session, Mr. Vidadi Mahmudov, CEC Secretary reported on the results of the consideration of complains entered CEC based on the violations of the requirements of Article 19.3 of the Election Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan by some Constituency Election Commissions (Con.ECs). The issue was comprehensively discussed and in fact, not any violation of law was revealed.


Report of Mrs. Svetlana Gasimova, CEC Deputy Chairman on the modifications made in the composition of Lankaran-Astara Con.EC # 76 was in hearing. It was decided to give consent to making modifications in the composition of this Con.EC.


After the report of Mr. Vidadi Mahmudov, CEC Secretary on the approval of Mr. Ilham Kochari oghlu Ismayilov who has been appointed member with consultative right to vote by the Musavat Party was in hearing, it was decided to approve the appointment of Mr. Ilham Kochari oghlu Ismayilov member with consultative right to vote.


Mr. Ingilab Nasirov, CEC Secretary reported on the consideration of appeals entered the Commission. The Commission decided to send these appeals to the State Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan as appendices to the documents under investigation.


At the end of the session, current issues were discussed.


Representatives of IFES (International Foundation for Election Systems), OSCE/ODIHR, special representation of Secretary General of the Council of Europe, embassies of the USA, Turkey, Japan, as well as representatives of foreign and domestic mass media participated in CEC session.