The Central Election Commission (CEC) conducted conference on July 26, 2003 by participation of heads of Constituency Election Commissions (ConECs) from #57 up to #117 related to the Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan

26 july 2003 17:42

The Central Election Commission (CEC) conducted conference on July 26, 2003 by participation of heads of Constituency Election Commissions (ConECs) from #57 up to #117 related to the Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Mr. Mazahir Panahov, CEC Chairman opened the conference where CEC commissioners and responsible officials of the Secretariat participated. He reported on preparation works related to the Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, spoke about measures implemented in the direction of voter education. He directed the attention of conference participants to the printing of instructions, regulations, comments and other normative documents to be delivered to ConECs and PECs, broad explanatory works implemented by CEC commissioners on state TV and radio channels. He stated that all these would help democratic, transparent and fair conduct of the Presidential Elections in Azerbaijan. The attention of session participants was directed also to inviting a great number of representatives of international election bodies as observers to the Presidential Elections.


Later, Mr. Mazahir Panahov specially stated broad chances for the conduct of elections based on democratic values as a result of establishment of public-political stability after the Republic of Azerbaijan got independence. Mr. Mazahir Panahov who said that our motherland was among the countries where democracy continuously developed as a result of the conduct of elections based on European standards by seriously observing the principles of justice, also stated his confidence in adopting the power of law as a basis in the Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan. He directed the attention to formation of stable legal base for this. CEC chairperson also spoke of the responsibility of duties charged on Constituency Election Commissions in order to achieve whole realization of ensuring democratic values in elections, challenged their heads to be vigilant to prevent any violation of law.


Speech on "Activity of ConECs” by Mr. Ingilab Nasirov, CEC Secretary, generated interest of session participants from the viewpoint of its urgency. Audience was pleased with clarifications by Mr. Ingilab Nasirov related to the activity of ConECs.


In the conference, report by Mr. Vidadi Mahmudov, CEC Secretary, on "The result of forming ConECs”, report of Mr. Azer Taghiyev on "Rules for the conduct of pre-election campaign of candidates to presidency of the Republic of Azerbaijan” also were in hearing. Above-mentioned issues were discussed and questions by ConEC Chairpersons were answered.


After the conference, ConEC representatives were provided with the Election Code, first volume of Instructions, Calendar Plan for basic measures and activities on preparation and conduct of the Presidential Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, copiers, ConEC stamps, ID cards for ConECs and other materials.


The conference is intended to be conducted on July 28, 2003 by participation of ConEC Chairpersons of constituencies from #1 up to #56 and ConECs of occupied.


Representatives of OSCE/ODIHR and mass media participated in the conference.