Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CEC) conducted its session headed by Mr.

23 july 2010 17:39
Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CEC) conducted its session headed by Mr.
Mazahir Panahov on 23 July, 2010. Firstly, session minutes of the Commission dated on 2 June and 9 June,
2010 were approved. Later, decision was made on the approval of the Rules "on checking the inofmration
included in the election documents submitted to the Constituency Election Commissions for the approval and registration of candidacy to deputy” and Instruction "on the rules for the conduct of pre-election campaign through mass media in Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, amendments and appendices were made to some normative acts. CEC made amendments in the composition of Khazar first
Con.EC # 13, Masalli city Con.EC # 70 and Lankaran city Con.EC # 73. At the session of the Commission, current issues were also considered. At the session, representatives of the embassy of Great Britain and mass media also took part.