On July 21, another meeting of the Central Election Commission chaired by Mazahir Panahov was conducted

21 july 2003 17:29
On July 21, another meeting of the Central Election Commission chaired by Mazahir Panahov was conducted. Firstly, Mr. Mazahir Panahov, Chairperson of the Central Election Commission reported on approval of minutes of the session of the Central Election Commission dated on June 27, 2003 and June 30, 2003. The Commission has decided to approve protocols of the mentioned sessions. Then Mr. Ingilab Nasirov, Secretary of the Central Election Commission offered to discuss the consideration of the approval of candidacy of Mr. Ayaz Niyazi oghlu Mutallibov nominated by "Khilaskar” ("Liberator”) initiative group for Presidential Elections on October 15, 2003. Mr. Ingilab Nasirov reported about shortcomings of documents submitted to the Central Election Commission on the person nominated to candidacy to presidency and mentioned irrefutable facts. The Commission adopted decision on rejection to candidacy of Mr. Ayaz Niyazi oghlu Mutallibov.


Mr. Azer Taghiyev, member of the Central Election Commission reported to participants on approval of "Instruction on press group under the Central Election Commission on the control upon observing rules for conduct of pre-election campaign in mass media”. This document was discussed and adopted as a basis.


Mr. Vidadi Mahmudov, Secretary of the Central Election Commission made report on "Regulation for the Constituency Election Commissions” and "Regulation for the Precinct Election Commissions”. Both documents were adopted as basis.


In the session, the issue on reconsideration of re-nomination of persons, whose candidacies to presidency were rejected, was discussed. The Commission decided not to reconsider appeals by persons themselves, initiative groups, political parties and blocs of political parties for re-nomination of persons rejected for presidential candidacy.
Representatives of IFES (International Foundation on Election Systems), OSCE/ ODIHR, USA Embassy in Baku, as well as representatives of foreign and domestic mass media participated in the session.