Since December 1, trainings for the members of lower election commissions have been commenced

01 december 2009 17:18
Since December 1, trainings for the members of lower election commissions have been commenced.
The goal in conducting trainings involving nearly 30 thousand members of lower election commissions is further improving the professional level of the commission members.
Trainings are conducted by the trainers (2 trainers on each Constituency Election Commission) trained by the Central Election Commission. The members of lower election commissions participate in trainings like small groups.

These trainers made presentations on election actions to be implemented on the voting day and hold practical trainings for the members of lower election commissions. For more efficient conduct of presentations and trainings, the trainers are provided with visual aids, modern multimedia means and so on technical equipment by the Central Election Commission.

Trainings conducted according to the schedule submitted by the CEC will be continued till December 10.
Let's remind that this activity is an integral part of the education program prepared by Central Election Commission related to Municipal Elections.