Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CEC) conducted its session headed by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on November 15, 2005

10 november 2005 17:13

Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CEC) conducted its session headed by Mr. Mazahir Panahov on November 15, 2005.

Mr. Ramiz Ibrahimov, CEC Commissioner reported on the voting results in Nizami second (Ganja) Con.EC # 38 in Elections to the Milli Malis of the Republic of Azerbaijan on November 6, 2005 and on the appeals entered CEC related to the elections conducted in this Con.EC.

Because of irregularities determined in the protocols on voting results in PECs # 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 14, 16, 17, 21, 22 and 24 of Nizami second (Ganja) Con.EC # 38, as well as because afforded law violations did not allow voters to determine their will, CEC adopted decision on the consideration of voting results in these PECs invalid.

Furthermore, as the number of polling stations where the voting results have been considered invalid on the constituency constitutes more than 2/5 of total number of polling stations from this constituency and the number of registered voters in this precinct constitutes more than ¼ of total number of the voters registered on the constituency, the voting results in Nizami second (Ganja) Con.EC # 38 were considered invalid.
At the session, current issues were also considered.

At the CEC session, representatives of OSCE/ODIHR, the USA embassy, IFES (International Foundation for Election Systems), as well as representatives of domestic and foreign mass media also took part.