On November 24, the delegation of "Ago" monitoring group of Ministers Committee of the European Council who are on trip in our country met with the Chairman of the Central Election Commission (CEC). Mr. Stelian Storan, head of "Ago" monitoring group thanked the CEC Chairman for his frank greeting and interested in the activities, steps taken by the Commission related to the preparations for the forthcoming Municipal Elections

24 november 2009 17:12
On November 24, the delegation of "Ago” monitoring group of Ministers Committee of the European Council who are on trip in our country met with the Chairman of the Central Election Commission (CEC).
Mr. Stelian Storan, head of "Ago” monitoring group thanked the CEC Chairman for his frank greeting and interested in the activities, steps taken by the Commission related to the preparations for the forthcoming Municipal Elections.

By emphasizing on ending the registration process of candidates which is an important issue in Municipal Elections, CEC Chairman stated that the candidates nominated by 18 political parties in these elections have been registered. In general, for their party affiliation the candidates represent 30 political parties.
Since November 25, pre-election campaign of candidates to the municipality membership has been started, so, these subjects are fully facilitated for conducting campaign. CEC traditionally conducts wide-ranged education program, so, the courses organized for the members of the Constituency Election Commissions (Con.EC) and chairpersons of Precinct Election Commissions (PECs), information sessions for the heads of local executive authorities and chairpersons of the Con.ECs conducted by the Presidential Administration and jointly by the CEC with OSCE Baku office are from this rank.
 At the present, CEC training group conducts trainings for the Con.EC trainers who are to hold trainings for the members of PECs. Since the beginnings of December, trainings for the members of the PECs will be conducted. By informing on the projects to be implemented and realized related to voters' education, Mr. M.Panahov stated that all necessary steps will be taken for fair, transparent and democratic elections and election rights of the citizens who participate in elections will be fully ensured.

At the meeting, view exchange on the perspectives of cooperation between the European Council and CEC.