Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CEC) conducted its session on July 12, 2003

12 july 2003 17:07

Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CEC) conducted its session on July 12, 2003.

Mr. Ingilab Nasirov, CEC Secretary reported on the approval of "the Comment on preparation and issue rules of voting cards that approves inclusion of voters in voters lists” and Mr. Vidadi Mahmudov, CEC Secretary on "Instruction on conduct rules for first Constituency and Precinct Election Commission sessions”, "Instrcution on rules for providing Constituency and Precinct Election Commissions with ballot papers and envelopes and their preparation”, "Comment on rules for early voting of voters”, "Instruction on the issue rule of de-registration card for voting”, "Instrcution on the organization of elections in ships swimming under the state flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan, oil platforms in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea, in hospitals, sanatoriums, rest homes, detention places”. These documents were taken as a basis by considering opinions and suggestions of the commissioners.

The commission approved the candidacy of Tahir Zayidagha oghlu Karimli to the presidency nominated by Vahdat Party.

The candidacy of Eldar Sagif oghlu Namazov to the presidency nominated on his own initiative was not approved as it had been submitted to the CEC without abiding the requirements of Election Code.

Representatives of IFES (International Foundation for Election Systems), the USA embassy, personal representation of Secretary General of European Council in Azerbaijan, as well as domestic and foreign mass media participated at the session.