Central Election Commission held session on January 14, 2025
The Central Election Commission (CEC) held the next session chaired by Mr.Mazahir Panahov on January 14, 2025.
Firstly, the Commission session minute dated 8 January 2025 was approved.
Later, the issue on making amendments to the structures of some Constituency Election Commissions was considered and CEC made changes to the structures of Sabirabad-Shirvan Con.EC # 68, Jalilabad village Con.EC # 72, Aghjabedi Con.EC # 86 and Aghdam-Khojali Con.EC # 118.
During the session the appeals filed to CEC in regard with the Municipal elections, appointed to January 29, 2025 were examined. After the appeals put into the session agenda within the manner and timeframe as defined in the election legislation had been discussed by the Commission members with the participation of media representatives and interested subject, relevant decisions were adopted.
It was thoroughly informed about the educational activities planned and carried out intensively in regard with the upcoming elections within close cooperation of CEC with the institutions having the duties and authorities as defined in the legislation, therewith, current issues were also considered at the session.
Media and Communication Department
CEC Secretariat