Two more collections consisting of normative acts adopted by Central Election Commission have been issued. In one of the collection, normative acts related to the conduct of Municipal Elections were summarized and in another one, various instructions, rules and comments on elections (referendum) in general were collected.

28 september 2009 16:56
Two more collections consisting of normative acts adopted by Central Election Commission have been issued. In one of the collection, normative acts related to the conduct of Municipal Elections were summarized and in another one, various instructions, rules and comments on elections (referendum) in general were collected.
 At the present, these collections are delivered to lower election commmissions by Central Election Commission.

Let's remind that the Commission has issued four collection before these issues and delivered them to lower election commissions.

Let's note that Central Election Commission adopted decision on the approval of 19 normative acts and these documents were publicized via official web-sites of this organization (/;;