Issues on service activity of the police in the Elections to the Milli Majlis were discussed at the seminar conference held in Sheki

26 july 2024 18:59

In regard with the early Elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan appointed to September 1, 2024, the issues on service activity of the police in the elections were discussed at the regional seminar conference held in Sheki city on July 26, 2024 within the joint project of the Central Election Commission (CEC) with the Ministry of Interior.

The seminar conference was attended by the representatives of CEC and Ministry of Interior, as well as, chairmen of 17 Constituency Election Commissions (Con.ECs) functioning in the surrounding towns and regions, officials of town and regional police offices. 

The event started with the introductory speeches by Mr. Bakhsheyish Asgarov, CEC Member and Mr. Tural Memishov, Deputy Chief, police colonel lieutenant of Sheki city Regional Police Department. It was informed on one of the most important factors – protection of public tranquility in secure and democratic conduct of elections and free and independent expression of will by citizens on Election Day as in compliance with the legislation of the country.

It was stated that the existence of stability and election legislation basing on democratic principles in Azerbaijan grants opportunity to ensure free, fair and transparent conduct of the Elections to the Milli Majlis like previous elections, thereby implementation of citizens’ constitutional rights.

Later, Mr. Tofig Hasanov, CEC Member presented on “Election stakeholders, their rights and duties. Prevention of undue intervention in the activity of election stakeholders”. It was informed that educational activities had been focused further in the eve of the Elections to the Milli Majlis. The alike seminar conferences contribute at awareness-raising of the community, voters and all the election actors in regard with the implementation of the election right.

During the seminar conference Mr. Senan Aliyev, Chief of office at Public Security Office under the Ministry of Interior presented on “The rights and duties of the police in ensuring public tranquility on the day of holding elections and in the period of election campaign. Undertake of the security measures during transfer of ballot papers and other electoral documents to Constituency Election Commissions and Central Election Commission in post-election period”.

It was informed that all the issues regarding the police activity, raised by the representatives of Constituency and Precinct Election Commissions (Con.ECs and PECs) in the period of election campaign and on the day of holding elections would be settled efficiently and timely. All necessary measures will be undertaken to arrange security of the of the Con.ECs and PECs where ballot papers have been preserved in, to ensure security during transfer of ballot papers from CEC to Con.ECs and from there to election precincts before the voting and after the elections from election precincts to Con.ECs and from there to CEC.

At the end, the questions addressed by the participants of the seminar were responded to.